Resource augmentation interaction process

Define specialists’ competencies

Together with project stakeholders, we define the required competencies for specialists (hard and soft skills, expertise level) by assessing the product’s technological stack and collecting further information about the scope of work (tasks to be performed, product features).

Team composition

We propose a team composition with a cost-effective combination of seniority levels. Our approach to team headcount is based on our 15+ years of experience in custom software development. Each selected candidate is available for additional interviews to ensure that the competence requirements are met. In cases of absence of exact criteria, our senior developers or principals can assess the current team performance and suggest optimization options.


When the candidates are approved, they adopt the customer’s corporate processes and fully integrate as valued team members. Our internal monitoring processes continuously collect feedback on augmented staff performance and develop action plans for changes if needed.


Augmented staff motivation, training, and additional vacation and sick leave expenses are the sole responsibility of Remelda.
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Optimal model for
Organizations that need to add specialists to facilitate reaching time-to-market targets.
Companies that need to determine the best fit for the team and identify uncertainty in the scope of work.
Companies that cope with urgent tasks to meet release deadlines.
Organizations that want to avoid inefficient in-house hiring processes.