We Will Help You

Launch new products the smart way
We’ll help you validate concepts and realise your product with rapid, low-cost prototyping. We provide user acceptance testing, to gain feedback that helps you shape your idea, prioritise features, create a product roadmap – and successfully launch.
Boost business efficiency
Remelda analyses users, workflows and experience gaps that hamper enterprise efficiency. We then define the best way to address issues, rethink your current user experiences or create brand new ones, which we later test and refine.
Boost user satisfaction and loyalty
Appealing visual design drives people in, but usability is what makes engaged and loyal customers. We conduct rigorous user analysis, so we can empathise with user pain points and build the products your customers really want.
Embrace emerging technologies
We will help you foster the perfect environment for creative experimentation. Remelda combines the power of emerging technologies with Design Thinking, to help you craft extraordinary human experiences.
Make UX your brand differentiator
User experience might be one of the most important differentiators between you and your competitors. It’s often more significant to consumers than price or product. Remelda’s smart design can help your business stand out among fierce competition, so you can build real brand loyalty.
Partner with Remelda to design products your customers really need
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What We Do

We research your business problem and domain, arrange a series of interviews, workshops, and field studies with stakeholders and users – to understand business goals and your customers needs.

By analysing customer journeys, we can define the interactions that will provide the richest user experience. We walk in your customers’ shoes, to understand their pain points and help you tailor your service to their needs – both expressed and hidden.

Streamline your design operations and amplify designs impact on your organisation. Our services consider process optimisation, team structure, craftsmanship, documentation and design systems to establish end-to-end business efficiency.

Our clients and their stakeholders can offer a wealth of knowledge in the initial phase of a project. We actively engage all key stakeholders, to participate in workshops that help us understand needs, define goals and heed all points of view.

Early on, we demonstrate our understanding in material form, for better visibility, inclusion, engagement and discussion. We start with sketches on the board which then translate into wireframes and, finally, the polished mockups.

Fixing a prototype is always cheaper than rewriting production code. So, to ensure our design will work, we create interactive mockups – ranging from simple click-throughs to complex logic simulations.