We Will Help You

Cost-effectively manage IT systems
We’ll help you enable responsive scaling and cost-effective support. You’ll be able to implement changes faster and deploy updates more frequently, shortening your product or service’s Time to Value, reducing TCO and improving your work environment.
Enhance your service
Remelda’s DevOps team helps you automate processes and tasks that are critical to the provision of high-quality customer service. We’ll assist you in establishing and maintaining a robust infrastructure that allows your services to run uninterrupted, without downtime.
Improve operations and ensure scalability
Create a more agile and efficient working environment with our DevOps consulting services, allowing you to automate operational and process-related scaling so you can flex your infrastructure and resources on demand. We’ll also help you develop and implement a sustainable disaster recovery strategy to ensure operational resilience and agility.
Reduce development lifecycle
Our DevOps experts cover your infrastructure configuration and support, so you can focus your development resources on key business objectives. With efficient resource distribution, you’ll be able to agree and meet your development goals far more quickly and efficiently – reducing costs and time-to-market.
Enable agility and faster time-to-market
Our expert DevOps services allow you to optimise your internal resources while reaping the benefits of the cloud. Take advantage of our DevOps as a service (DaaS) offering to have your deployment cycles automated, continuous improvement and agile delivery, simplified data flow, facilitated documentation and quality control.
Take care of your data security
Remelda’s DevOps consulting services help you ensure your infrastructure’s security and stability, introducing centralised monitoring, logging and proactive alerting. You’ll be able to instantly monitor your resources and processes and keep your infrastructure environment running smoothly.
Create a custom application that adds value and boosts profits
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What’s included with our DevOps services

Together, we’ll scope your application development requirements and identify which ideas hold the most water, so we can create a roadmap for the project that ensures the best possible chance of long-term success.

Infrastructure as a Code enables DevOps teams to test applications in a production-like environment at the earliest stages of the software development cycle. So you can prevent common deployment issues and deliver applications faster, at scale and to a higher quality.

Get continuous feedback on the overall health of your software infrastructure while guaranteeing the security, transparency and visibility of your IT and network operations. With Remelda's DevOps services, you can track all the relevant metrics that enable you to proactively monitor and resolve performance and security issues before they impact production.

We’ll help you adopt containerisation as a modern approach to application architecture, enabling your development team to make regular and quick changes to your software and easily scale updates depending on your requirements. Your resource efficiency will improve, you’ll achieve greater scalability and stability of your software systems, and you’ll optimise costs while ensuring high-level information security.

We offer expert cloud management services to help you integrate your IT infrastructure with the cloud, ensuring maximum performance, flexibility, impeccable security, predictable spending, and optimized infrastructure costs, freeing up your valuable in-house resources to focus on critical processes and tasks.

Applying automation to your enterprise application development environment reduces human assistance for processes and tasks, encompassing testing, delivery, and deployment phases. DevOps automation enables setting up continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows, speeding up updates and significantly reducing time to value.

With decades of software development experience and a robust project-delivery track record, ELEKS’ DevOps specialists offer support and training to empower your teams. We’ll help you adopt industry best practices and develop the knowledge and skills to effectively monitor, maintain and scale your development infrastructure while proactively spotting issues and resolving them before they impact your project.

Your Cloud Native Applications Expert

Our extensive industry experience with a number of CNCF graduate projects building robust infrastructures and delivery pipelines for renowned industry leaders puts us in a unique position to partner with clients on their journey to being fully cloud native.

Whether you are new to the world of CNCF or an experienced team, we are sure the value our expertise brings can benefit you in furthering your goals in the innovative and transformative realm of cloud native technologies.
Cloud service models we work with

IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service)

If you want to ensure the scalability and stability of your software applications while freeing up your IT staff for higher-value projects, IaaS is the most flexible option for you. With IaaS, you get ready-to-use hardware and software infrastructure that’s scalable and automatable, including aspects like operating systems, storage, hosting and connectivity. The tools we work with include Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine and more.

PaaS (Platform-as-a-service)

PaaS takes ready-made infrastructure and adds a layer of software capability and management, allowing you to automate your backend processes and enable faster application deployment. The PaaS model covers an operating system and its associated services, including database software and other tools and capabilities. With the PaaS model, you can enable extra flexibility and cost-effectiveness within your development process, along with improved security and faster time-to-market. We use Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, Google AppEngine and more.

SaaS (Software-as-a-service)

SaaS is the best fit for applications that require both web and mobile access. With SaaS, you get all the elements of a ready-to-go software application, accessible to users from any device with an internet connection—Salesforce, for example. We‘ll manage all aspects of the technology infrastructure, so you won’t need to rely on your in-house IT expertise.

DaaS (Database as a Service)

With DaaS, you receive streamlined access to business-critical data via a cloud-based platform, including text, sound files, images and videos. DaaS enables exceptional time and cost-efficiency—you get real-time information and insights from anywhere and from any device, while your data is always kept safe. We work with technologies and tools including Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL and more.
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Technologies We Work With



Proficiency in Container Orchestration, Scaling, and Software Deployment.



Proficient in harnessing Azure's range of Cloud Computing Services for efficient deployment and orchestration.



Expertise in Utilizing On-Demand Cloud Computing Services with Various Pay-as-You-Go Models.



Proficiency in Defining and Managing Various Types of Infrastructure, Including On-Premises and Cloud Resources.

Argo CD

Argo CD

Flux CD

Flux CD









Open Policy Agent (OPA)

Open Policy Agent (OPA)

Nexus OSS

Nexus OSS

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps



Gitlab CI

Gitlab CI



Octopus Deploy

Octopus Deploy













Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365



ALM Toolkit

ALM Toolkit

Our Devops consulting process


Planning and strategy development

We start by gaining an in-depth understanding of the problems we need to solve, your objectives and any impacts. We use this stage to define the right strategy for your desired ROI, estimate timelines and scope of work, evaluate risks and identify possible roadblocks.


Environment set-up and implementation

At this stage, we create an environment for code versioning, introduce automation, develop scripts and define and set up project infrastructure. After we’ve made the relevant preparations, we build, rollout and generate project reports.


Infrastructure testing and release set-up

We run checks to verify the quality of the product and set up a continuous testing process, to spot any risks and system performance bottlenecks that might affect business process continuity.


Maintenance and support

After testing and set-up, we create update implementation and systems change processes, then trigger product release and generate release notes. As a part of the ongoing maintenance offered with Remelda's DevOps consulting, we’ll monitor application productivity, evaluate UX – in terms of performance and stability – gather feedback and generate best practices.

Become more agile, with Remelda's DevOps consulting for automated process and continuous delivery implementation